Saturday, January 19, 2008

What I Believe ......

Ok, so with the upcoming elections, I've been reading "Character Makes a Difference" by Mike Huckabee. In it he talks about how we have replaced God's Standards with our own interpretation of it. This is dangerous because we tend to interpret it in a selfish, humanistic way. He points out that if we view humans as basically good then we will seek to educate and inform so that the behavior will change. But if we view humans as God does, basically self-centered, then we will hold people responsible for their actions; consequences/punishment must be faced. The example he uses is drugs: basically good, teach them that drugs are bad - then they won't use them; basically self-centered, put them in jail and take away their liberties.

He states that every answer we will ever need to anything is the 10 Commandments. He also talks about knowing your convictions and drawing a line that you will not cross.

I've also been reading through the Bible with Jesse each night. Right now we are in Leviticus and I was (still am) getting bored with it because it is all about the Laws. It has made me so thankful that I am no longer under the law but under grace.

So, I feel like God is challenging me to deifne my beliefs. To write out what I believe to be true based on what the Bible says. Here goes:

I believe that:

  • Jesus is the only begotten Son of God
  • the Bible is the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God
  • Jesus was born of a Virgin
  • Jesus became 100% man while remaining 100% God on the earth
  • Jesus was sent to earth to die for my sins
  • Jesus is the only way to Heaven
  • Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life
  • God the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit make up the Trinity, 3-in-1

Things that are wrong - (based upon the Bible)

  • Murder & Abortion - even in the case of incest, or rape
  • Anything that harms the body - smoking, drunkenness, drugs, ect.
  • Sex before and outside of marriage
  • Pornography
  • Lying, cheating and stealing
  • Cursing, taking the Lord's name in vain
  • Gay marriage and unions
  • Gossip and False Witness

.... Jesse is about ready for his bottle so I will continue this later.